Carbon Reduction Policy

Carbon Reduction Policy Statement

P&D Healthcare has a policy in place to minimise its environmental impact whenever possible. Carbon reduction initiatives are a crucial component of our whole organisational strategy, enabling us to enhance operating efficiency and minimise the release of hazardous emissions into the environment, including land, water, and air.

The organization’s primary objective is to attain a carbon balance of 0% by January 2028, or earlier if feasible. In order to accomplish this, the Organisation will comply with all existing energy legislation, striving to reach or exceed the targets set by the legislation.

• To mitigate the impact on landfill and the subsequent creation of methane, it is advisable to minimise waste, encourage recycling, and promote the use of recycled items.
• Continue to advocate for and uphold the goals of the policy.
• Encourage employees and others to be aware of and take responsibility for the environment, and strive to consistently enhance the organization’s environmental performance wherever possible.
• Advocate the use of telephone conferencing to minimise the need for travel.
• Assess the possible advantages of remote work.
• Assess the potential advantages of carbon offsetting in terms of compliance.

Regularly assess and enhance the Occupational Driving Policy of the Organisation. Current actions being developed involve the incorporation of environmental concerns into all facets of the decision-making procedures.
Sustainable sourcing and procurement policies.
Assessing the energy efficiency and carbon reduction capabilities of equipment, vehicles, and machinery across the entire Group.
Promotion of the Transport Manager’s ‘Smarter Driving Tips’ activities.
Vehicle sharing and planning to reduce mileage.
The evaluation and acquisition of vehicles that are efficient in fuel consumption, facilitated by efficient planning and execution of delivery and field operations.

The Carbon Footprint Policy Statement supports the Environmental, Procurement, Waste Management, Quality Assurance, Health & Safety, and Corporate Responsibility Policies that are currently in place within the Organisation. This policy unambiguously outlines the duties and protocols for attaining the Organization’s declared goals in all areas of our operations, resulting in enhanced environmental efficiency, including reductions in both CO2 and methane emissions. P&D Healthcare acknowledges that our operations may have a direct or indirect impact on the local and/or regional environment, as reflected in our carbon footprint policy. Consequently, we are dedicated to minimising any negative consequences that may arise from this. Our carbon reduction approach adheres to the current standards and guidelines for waste management and environmental protection. Our main objectives are to minimise waste, decrease material usage whenever possible, prioritise repair over disposal, and take advantage of any available recycling options. As we establish and integrate our “Green” culture, our goals are to:

• Promote responsibility among our employees and suppliers as corporate green citizens,
• Use energy and water efficiently,
• Take into account environmental impacts when making purchases,
• Seek partnerships with organisations that share our commitment to reducing carbon footprint.
• Minimise the necessity for transportation and its effects on the environment. We aim to conduct our business in the most ecologically friendly and sustainable manner possible.

What has been previously implemented:

• We practice the reuse or recycling of all our packaging materials, including cardboard, polystyrene, shredded paper, and so on. All recyclable materials are sorted and placed in designated waste containers or skips, which are then transported to garbage disposal sites.
• We have significantly decreased paper consumption in our offices by utilising email as the primary mode of communication. This has resulted in a substantial decrease in the amount of paper consumed inside the workplace, as we no longer rely on sending hard copy communications through postal mail. Electronic information processing is significantly more energy and carbon efficient compared to physically sending hard copy letters.
• We provide interior recycling containers for our office paper.
• We closely monitor our fuel and energy consumption to ensure that it is not squandered due to inefficiency or carelessness. As an illustration, all radiators have been equipped with Thermostatic Radiator Valves. We employ signage to prompt staff to switch off lights upon leaving a room. Additionally, we request that staff utilise computers responsibly, such as powering them down at night and utilising standby mode during daylight
periods of non-use.

We engage in the practice of recycling mobile phones and printer cartridges.

• We engage in the practice of recycling the fluorescent light tubes in our office spaces.
• We have minimised our landfill waste by optimising the recycling process for waste materials, either internally or by collaborating with external entities that can utilise the materials effectively.
• We guarantee that all our workplaces, whether in our offices or on-site, comply with the latest environmental standards and energy saving regulations. Our future plans include:
• Procuring power from suppliers that reinvest in renewable energy sources and maintaining our own solar panel system with a feed-in tariff.

Whenever feasible, we will obtain our supplies from suppliers who adhere to ecologically sustainable practices and are located in close proximity to us geographically. This approach aims to minimise road traffic, associated expenses, and carbon emissions.
When it is time to replace our present fleet of company vehicles, we will prioritise selecting vehicles that have high fuel efficiency and low CO2 emissions. Our fleet now includes a low CO2 emission vehicle with a 0 Vehicle excise duty (VED).

• We will promote web links to sites that advocate rational and sustainable attitudes towards the environment, renewable energy, and related topics.
• We will incentivize suppliers to match our high standards of environmental stewardship in order to offset their carbon emissions.

• We will provide comprehensive education to all employees regarding environmental concerns and sustainable development, with the aim of motivating them to decrease their individual impact on the environment. Additionally, we will encourage them to adopt creative methods to compensate for their carbon emissions.
• Our goal is to continuously decrease our carbon footprint by assessing and computing the existing requirements in all of our offices. Our goal is to determine the current Carbon Footprint size using the most up-to-date DEFRA reporting guidance and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol from the World Business Council. We will determine and measure the origins of carbon emissions. • Our objective is to discover projects aimed at reducing carbon emissions.
• We will continuously measure the effects of our reduction efforts to assist the company in reporting its greenhouse gas emissions.

The policy will undergo a review in April 2025, and P&D Healthcare will consistently strive to enhance our processes.